Saturday, August 6, 2011

BP3_iGoogle Screen Shots

I created my iGoogle page over a year ago, but I am definitely realizing I was never using it to its full potential.  So glad that this class is already expanding my horizons.  And adding/organizing all those links strangely made me feel so much less stressed.  I love how technology has the ability to be not only useful, but sometimes surprisingly comforting.  I'm really beginning to understand the benefits of a PLE.

Here is my Home tab (somehow I have managed to go through life without creating a Twitter account... looks like it's time to make one!):

Here is my FSO tab (sans the CBR since I am a certificate student):

And finally here is my ETC tab:

I'm particularly grateful for that Google Docs gadget, I always thought it was a pain to access them the normal way.  What's your favorite gadget?

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